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Official Thank You thread


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My progression of bittorrent clients:

Bitcomet (used for 3 months): Fast and stable but still banned on many sites. Uses built-in sucky browser by default which invites adware/spyware. Version 0.62 is bugged...can't use Firefox as default browser for Bitcomet Favorites. I can't get support because I can't register on P2P Forums.

Azureus (used for 2 hours): Has many features but is Bulky and laggy. Hangs on Exit

Utorrent (2 days and counting): Small, fast and Stable. Has ample features for me. I can register with support forum!!! Will have Azureus Protocal Header encryption and other nice features in the next rev. Looks good in client comparison (see link)

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_BitTorrent_software

Will recommend to all my friends.

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urgreat_dude: The only way I've found here to start a new topic (if you didn't find an existing thread for it when you searched) is to go to the forum index and select the section where you want your thread to reside. The section index page has a "start new topic" choice in the upper right.

To confuse things further, the sections are also called fora, just as the entirety is called a forum ... sigh.

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Just like to say thanks to all whom created this excellent client,I no longer am suffering high PC usage from Azureus lol,which makes u.torrent the ultimate client for me,and the best I have used so far out of all the known clients out there,once again THANKYOU :)

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Thanks for your hard work Ludvig et al. You're making the world a better place.

utorrent is amazing!

I really love how it keeps evolving, even to places I wouldn't have thought of, with stuff that is very useful after all. Totally adore the latest beta. The left-bar was exactly what I was looking for.

Big up for this software. Not one remote feeling of unstability came from using it yet.

I included it on my Essential and recommended software page here.

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Thank you very much, now i can play singleplayer games while downloading. (used Azureus before)

And multiplayer games too ofcourse, if I lower the download and upload maxspeed.

Havn't tried if it works flawless with online lag spike sensative FPS games, but I got no problem with World of Warcraft. :)

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I would like to start out by telling you guys (and girls?) that you do an excellent job

I started out with BitTornado about close to 4 years ago, then i moved from Ireland to Sweden and heard some good words about Azureus so I tried it out for a few weeks however the machine that is my torrentmachine wasn´t to happy with it so i decided to drop it.

A few friends of mine recommend me to try uTorrent, and I must say that i have had "0" yes that is zero problems with it, and that you also had a fix for my Linksys WRT54G on your website just made my day.

So now i´m abusing my connection (10/10), my router and my computer by running 24/7/365 and i gotta thank you guys for it

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I didnt like utorrent, sorry

it had all the hopes to be a good software but...

sorry, it needs too much improvement

I strongly disagree, and sorry, I just don't believe you are being honest.

Probably someone involved with other bittorrent software.

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Tonight I opened my utorrent, it prompted me to "download and update". I clicked "Yes" expecting a download and then an installer window. Within about 2 seconds utorrent had exited and reopened with the new version. Unbelievable! What an awesome program, thanks for continually making it better and better without the bloat.

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Hi there,

i want to put a biiiig thank you for all the developers of this really really awesome freeware. I begun using it 4 months ago, and already cca 12 people got converted by me to use it as well :))

Keep it small and efficient, that counts!!!

Thanks again, Peter

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