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Anyone still using other clients?


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I was just wondering if anyone's still using Azureus *coughhecknocough* or any other client. As for me, I'm using µTorrent as my primary client although I still use BitTornado coz it takes a long time for me to finish my download (it stalls at 95% or so, for an abnormally long period of time, whereas in BitTornado it's not that long). Anyway, I love this client better. :D

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Just transported all my torrents to Utorrent to give it another try, and so far so good.

Personal experience thus far in utorrent's favour:

1. Creates torrents faster then Azureus

2. Takes 1/10 the ram of Azureus

3. Takes 1/10 the handles and GDI of Azureus

very nice. if this keeps up i will never go back to Azureus.

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...i still have several clients on my PC, but only use them if i get some connection error with uTorrent - just to confirm its the torrent/tracker and not the client :D

same here, I still keep arctic around, just incase I want to test to see if its a tracker or a µTorrent error.

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...i still have several clients on my PC, but only use them if i get some connection error with uTorrent - just to confirm its the torrent/tracker and not the client :D

Me too. Pre 1.2, I used to use a little trick to get peers if the tracker was down, load the torrent in Az, let it run a couple of minutes to get my IP in the peers' memory, then switch back to µTorrent. Worked a charm, but obviously totally unnecessary now :)

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started out with BitComet. never can get it to download fast and stable. find its good for private tracker only.

try out BitSprit next. very nice GUI. options not user friendly. didnt gave it real test.

heard the hype about uTorrent. small and plain exe file. try it, tweaked it, customized it, like it, keeping it. ;)

tho uTorrent is young and growing, i do miss some features other clients have uTorrent dont (maybe not yet) have.

its staying as my primary client, downloading large torrent. while flirting with other new clients like BitPump etc

from this forum im getting the feeling most hate Azureus. never got to test it, might just try it out so i know why all the bad feelings towards it.

so will be waiting for the next upgraded uTorrent ver. hoping most of those miss features slowly coming in, doing that will only knock out the rest.. keep it up uTorrent =D

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I use Utorrent as my primary client.

But I use bittornado to superseed as it is more aggressive. Hopefully in the future, superseed in Utorrent can be improved so I can make it my only client. :)

What is Azureus? What is Bitcomet ?

Amen to that, I would love for Super Seed to work a little better, speeds are quite low.

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I usually have some sort of backup client. But lately I haven't been using ABC as a backup nor BitTornado. It seems nowadas I've been doing virtually everything with uTorrent -- leech, seed, bandwidth scheduling, modify max up for gaming. I dunno what situation I have to be in to make me fall back to using something else. Then again, I have refused to use Azureus for a long, long time now and have stood by BitTornado and ABC as the client of choice. Discovering uTorrent pretty much saved me a bunch of hassle. ABC is still installed right now. But I haven't uninstalled it yet. Just too lazy to actually do it.

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I love it, except for two details:

- It lacks proper disk-caching. This is a killer when downloading at 800+KB/s, I can't do anything hard drive intensive at the same time.

- The annoying creation of files marked as 'Don't download' (Yes, I know that by using sparse files this can be avoided. It's still a bug. BC does it correctly.)

Until this two issues are fixed, I'll stick with BitComet. (Will change in a heartbeat when they are.)

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Azureus works very well Rock, itjust takes more resources to run then Utorrent, but in today's age that's not a problem for most people.

That's basically it, I won't deny that feature-wise Azureus is a 'better' client. However, most people here value a resource-friendly program and that's why they're using µT (and why they don't like Azureus). Personally, I can live with Azureus, but since µT works so well with such minimal resources, I don't use Azureus anymore. µT's speed is enough to warrant ditching the extra features in Azureus for me anyday.

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a friend just recommended mutorrent... just amazing...

bit comet was causing my router to crash and reboot...

now mutorrent allows me to stay connected while getting torrents at 400k/s

that's just amazing... thank you mutorrent!!! from now on... it will be my one and only client...

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