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"Sign Up" for WebUI beta testing


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I would love to beta test it :)

I can help with testing on all three major browsers on Windows (but will mostly work in Opera)

I'll often use both localhost and remote connections to work with it.

Also, I can help with tracking any HTML errors that might occur.

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I'm a huge uTorrent fan, and will be a huge webui user when it's finally done. I'm mainly Mac and PC, with the primary use being access to the webui from my Mac laptop (Firefox, Safari) and from my Windows Media Center HTPC (explorer/firefox). My uTorrent box is in my back room, so I'm really looking forward to not having to walk back there just to "visit" my torrents.

I'm a UI designer and developer by profession, and depending on where we are in a release cycle, I've been known to spend entire days writing (helpful!) bug reports. I'm happy to pitch in for this effort -- I'll certainly appreciate the outcome.

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I'd like to test the webui as I've tested previous alpha versions of it, and well, you guys know me anyway. For what it's worth, I'm seeding 106 torrents.

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Id like to test this as well as Im in great need of remote access and it would be much easier to do this through remote access than through radmin/remote windows desktop which takes more BW simply - in the end I hope this webui is also a closer step to a console-only version of utorrent for linux with integrated webui!

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I use utorrent alot but I spend alot of time in the university (where they have MACs and computers with windows 98 and 2000) and in those computer they have IE 6.0 and FF 1.5 plus the remote access you be very helpful to me because I almost don't spend anytime in my home. At home I have XP and use FF 1.6a1 and have a 2mb/256 Cable connection.

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Howdy Directrix..

Glad to hear you're finally beta testing it publicly! I've been watching this project eagerly since I first heard whispers of it.

I used to use the azureus web plugin, and since i've made the switch to utorrent, it's been the only feature I've missed.

I'd love to be a beta tester. Trying to access the ui from the office will be a challenge, routing anything through that firewall is a nightmare.. so it should be a good challenge.

I'm running firefox on xp sp2 at home and IE 6 on 2000 sp4 at work.

Cheers mate!

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Hi, I would like to beta test the WebUI

I'm using µTorrent on my network, and I would like to access it remotely without having to use something like VNC or Remote Desktop.

I already done beta testing with other software.

I'm using WinXP Pro on both machines, and I'll use Firefox mainly for remote access.

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I'd really love to be a part of the beta testing crew.

Coming from India, where DSL has just started in the last year or so, speeds here are still not that great..only a couple of ISPs offer high speed unlimited plans, rest all throttle/packet-shape traffic...

My PC specs:

P4 2.8GHz.Overclocked, 1GB SDRAM, 180+120GB Seagate, WinXP;Professional+SP2, 512kup/down over RASPPPOE

Would love to the first Indian to beta test this amazing piece of software. \m/

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I'm keen to help out as well.

I would mainly test from work as it has quite a restrictive firewall setup.

This would be usingWinXP with IE, Firefox & Opera.

I work for an ISP so I can test a few different routers also. D-Link, Thomson (Alcatel), 2Wire and Dynalink.


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I run 2 linux dedicated servers both with a 100mbit connection for testing and want to get rid of torrentflux because it uses to much system resources and has no encryption!

I would like to test the webui and help to find any bugs and post them on the forum.

greetings torrentgeekz

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RFOL... Seems like this ppl is a lil picky. Because I was one of the 1st 20s and I wasnt selected. I dont know why.

Maybe because you didn't post any reason why they should take you but only "interesting"?

I'd be also interested in testing the WebUI but i guess i'm not the right person for this because usually i use µTorrent at home and my english isn't the best. :(

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I wonna be a betatester. Oses: XP pro, NT, debian with almost all popular browsers and some not so popular

i use µtorrent on different locations at home, parrents home and university with vpn encription.

I'm study informatics and can help with my skills

i need this feuture, to contorl the client from different locations

it's a pleasure to help µtorrent project

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I would like to be part of this great new feature!

currently im using radmin to control my pc's over lan/internet. but on one pc im only running µT.. so radmin is not necessary to control only one tool. the webUI for just controling µT would be just right!

im on a 6000/600 cable connection with a u.s.robotics router and using xp sp1 and win2k sp4 with IE6.


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I have tested many different programs, ranging from Maxthon, Ad Muncher, Messenger Plus! Live and various other smaller projects. I can test it using Maxthon, Opera and when I get around to it the Gecko engine. Using XP sp1. I will be able to test every day since during the day I will be at Uni.

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I would like to beta test the webui. I have been a user of ABC but the DHT capability made me me over to Utorrent and I really require webui for keeping track of seeds and downloads I am doing on my system at home from work. I work for a company that does database software development in Delphi for clients that need custom data type applications like inventory and stock type applications for example. So I am familiar with how to track down causes for software errors. And if the need arises I could even test on my workstation at work which is an X64 Pro on an AMD64 processor and at home I run 32Bit XP Pro on an AMD64 processor. Custom built by me PC made for gaming and work useage so I have both games and development software on it.

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Hello, i would like to try the web interface. I use my work machine with Utorrent (i have dialup at home, too slow for torrent downloading) and i would like to be able to check on my torrents from home...I can test the web interface with Firefox and IE6 sp1; i am running XP with all updates, registry modifications done for speed improvements, lastest java and shockwave installed...

I also have used every other web interface bit torrent client (besides ABC) and most of them slow the host machine done something terrible...

P.S. not sure if this will matter, but i don't much like IRC nor have i had good experience with it...

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