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µTorrent 3.0 "Falcon" (32-bit) alpha 25207


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what's the point in having auto-updates, beta-updates and update-checking if whenever there's one (and badly needed), they just don't work - isn't having a build constantly crashing, reason enough to update - auto or otherwise? Just wondering...

We do autoupdate to new builds whenever there is a new one. But it takes time to fix bugs, and sometimes fixing one just uncovers another bug. Keep in mind, you ARE testing an alpha.

Please fix the logger. It makes the last 2 builds completely unusable for me.

It will be fixed in the next build... which is now up.

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20402 worked OK for a couple of days then started crashing every half an hour for no apparent reason (submitted crashdump via built-in service).

Is there a way to roll back to a previous version (used autoupdate - no executables left to use)?

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Crashes when installing the virus guard app.

I sent the crash dump to developers.

How does one leave the app area and return to torrent listings? Besides restarting utorrent of course. Like when on virus scan screen.

And how does one navigate though the app pages? One would expect a back button?

And how to go back to apps after antivirus addon is added? Am I blind? I tried esc key, up/down, left/right, page up/down.

I got to apps the first time by clicking the antivirus icon but that just takes you to the scan screen now.

"Drop files to share"? WTF is that? How do get rid of it, annoying?

I know this is an alpha but pretty basic functionally.

Update: Also when I add a new torrent it will NOT show up until I restart uTorrent. :(

Update 2: Getting this in log every time I view an app page:

[2010-07-17 01:29:11] Script Error: line=1 char=1 code=0 message=Object doesn't support this action url=btresource://btapp/index.html?port=51362&pair=C98B2A6C311D0CC43519DED79302761B0C6E9346

[2010-07-17 01:29:17] Script Error: line=1 char=1 code=0 message=Object doesn't support this action url=btresource://btapp/index.html?port=51362&pair=F0A67DC9D66F18E830ACDECAFEACA20192ACA466

[2010-07-17 01:29:17] Script Error: line=1 char=1 code=0 message=Object doesn't support this action url=btresource://btapp/index.html?port=51362&pair=C98B2A6C311D0CC43519DED79302761B0C6E9346

[2010-07-17 01:29:19] Script Error: line=1 char=1 code=0 message=Object doesn't support this action url=btresource://btapp/index.html?port=51362&pair=F0A67DC9D66F18E830ACDECAFEACA20192ACA466

[2010-07-17 01:29:35] Script Error: line=1 char=1 code=0 message=Object doesn't support this action url=btresource://btapp/index.html?port=51362&pair=F0A67DC9D66F18E830ACDECAFEACA20192ACA466

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You have to show the category list from the Options menu and click Torrents to be able to navigate away from the Apps page.

20504 has been running smoothly here for more than 24 hours now, knock on wood, we may finally have a white listable version so I can finally get back on the good graces of the site admins of my favorite trackers.

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There appears to be an issue with completed torrents that are larger than around 700+MB. Randomly when uT is opened, it will rename the stopped-but-completed data of the large torrents back to .!ut and the only way (except manually renaming the file extension) to get them back to normal is to start seeding ("click play") them.

Still an issue in the latest builds.

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uTorrent 3.0 Alpha feedback

sorry for such LONG forthcoming post :rolleyes:, just thought to highlight some things that i personally wished to see changed and/or rolled back in one of the next releases. yes i know it's alpha, but still.

well, this is one of positive builds that i currently silently test/use/getting used to (underline needed), still, while keeping positive approval silence about good additions (options, mostly), i count some features were missed or plainly bad. ok, rolling:

tab Files, context menu. ok, there are some changes:

Force streaming - with properly set streaming option (player) it works fine. not bad.

Relocate... - guys, i naturally didn't get the joke you implemented here. since now (or a bit earlier) this option is available while torrent is _active_, what's DEFINITELY wrong. how does it work: if torrent was set on seeding queue, there will be no harm, if torrent is downloading currently...well, if i'll choose to relocate a file "on-the-fly" it will immideatly stop loading, and so all temporary blocks will be gone. -1. roll back it please to how it worked all the time before.

tab Files, column Streaming.

if play sign was clicked (also: by mistake), what logic starts/continues downloading file if it isn't 100% ? rationally it'd better work if file was fully loaded, or be inaccessible/grey.

also here'n'there... lots of new columns which ones show that you chose uT to be more media-oriented now. okay. :cool:

!!! again the same tab. up/down arrows simply DON'T work, neither their combination with shift being held. -5.

"adding second time". well, here adding .torrent works the same great - you will be warned that the torrent exists in list, [optionally] asked to add trackers from it on not, and the most useful thing - that torrent will become highlighten/chosen. WHY the same last thing DOESN'T work with magnets being added second time??? -10. know, if there's a huge list of torrent (even currently inactive ones), it's REALLY useful.

principle of trackers' addition to magnet link. example:


as i got it, scheme takes the very first tracker of all listed in properties (the order goes exactly off there). i'd suggest to grab 3 of them (you know which ones are most popular ;)).

...plus... weirdly, just now i excluded all trackers off the list (DHT, LPD, PEX only left), then stopped torrent, added them back, started, and what i see now is that there's no tr param in its magnet link anymore. while at first there was 1. kinda: we don't check it later. bug, imho.

still, i'm kinda not getting why traffic have to be "eaten" by overhead; no good. any idea?

button Start. since 2.0 (seems) it cannot be clicked more times than once. that was fun in 1.8.5. undecided.

the common idea of Web Remote Access... well :rolleyes:, i just hope it's actually _secure_ afterall.

actually, since version 2.0.* the speed of downloading went a bit (ahem :mad: @ "a bit") down in comparison with 1.8.5, what definitely does you-guess-what. yes, it DOES (just wish not to post a harsh here), as i feel current versions of client were intended for seeding MOSTLY, and for discriminative (to all previous builds) support of uTP.

oh well:/.

and NO, play-around with bt.transp_disposition and some another options doesn't give a positive change.

just as fact i hardly see a non-uTP-seeder in a list.

the next fact there is only support of uTorrent clients at all, and only greater than 1.8.5 (no seeders who use Bittorrent ever, i'm already silent about the rest like Azureus etc).

hell, even uT 1.8.3 "on the other end" won't be accessible, i guess.

what if content, what i'm interested in, is actually rare?!

irony, sure: i'd have to "jump and shout" : "hey guy! you have some file that i need, please install/update to uT 3.0 to let me finally get it!", or vice versa - which is nonsense :mad:. oh well... :|

*sighs*... well, ok, that are all key aspects i currently gathered in one heap for now.

for the reference:

uTorrent 1.8.5 - most active usage, still THE leader.

uTorrent 2.0.2 - slightly disappointed, was using as secondary / for re-seeding mostly.

uTorrent 3.0 Alpha 20507 - currently giving a try.

apart from that, familiar with uT since 1.7, AFAIR.

plus, surely, tried lots of the rest clients.

still, uT is my fav :)

regards to the development team :cool:

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We do autoupdate to new builds whenever there is a new one. But it takes time to fix bugs, and sometimes fixing one just uncovers another bug. Keep in mind, you ARE testing an alpha.

So, new builds can be as buggy as the previous ones - big deal - as you said, we ARE testing alphas - and we can always turn off updates to betas, or just ignore them.

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Doesn't seem to want to install the addons for me, and everytime I open the client the window is really small partially off screen.

I have to right click on the systray, tell it to minimise and then maximise and it goes full screen.

Tried to stream .mkv file and it appears to have crashed utorrent lol (It was an already completed file also)

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@TOM_RUS, I also experience that issue, I reported it a few month ago.

Makes streaming unusable for me too.

But it seems to get stuck a bit less frequently on faster computers, I changed my computer to a quad core i7, and now from time to time some videos can be streamed properly, so the problem is harder to reproduce.

My old computer was a dual core, core 2 duo.

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Can anybody confirm bsod's with win7 64bit.

After a while trying to figure out the bsods, and thinking my new ssd is the root of the problem, i noticed that my bsods occur only when utorrent is on. i've disabled ipv6 from the registry and i still get it. hmm..

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my drivers are the latest definitely. can't save memory dump cuz as soon as bsod happens, my hard drive loses connectivity with the os, resulting in "kernel_data_inpage_error" sometimes.

in the beginning, i thought it had something to do with my ssd drive, later what i found was, it only happens when utorrent is on.

in any case, i was using an older build, i've just upgraded and in the changelog it said something about crash fixes, so lets see waht happens..

---- in any case, there's something else that really bothers me

say, utorrent isn't running. .torrents are associated with utorrent. i click on a torrent link, and open it. utorrent launches, however, the torrent isn't added. I need to click on the torrent link once more and reopen the torrent to have it added to the list. didn't happen in windows xp. why is it this way in windows 7. any fixes?

that aside, the UI isn't refreshed as well. so after adding the torrent, i gotta click on "Torrents" under categories to see the new torrent.

does this happen to just me?

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The latest build has been fine for me with one slight UI exception.

The crashes have stopped, it puts the files in the right place, etc.

However, when I add a torrent it no longer shows the confirmation window that lists the files and sizes. In other words, I can no longer choose what individual files to download before the download starts.

The torrent immediately begins downloading everything, and I have to manually stop/start certain files.

PS: I should add that in the Preferences menu, I have selected "Show a window that displays the files inside the torrent".

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